To fomater SQL-a (różne dialekty) z możliwością konstruowania kodu dla
rożnych języków programowania.
Przykład działania poniżej:
SELECT DISTINCT o.offerID as offerID_OR_categoryID,0 as searchType,'offer' as attributeID,'porady' as word FROM Offers o LEFT JOIN OfferTagAssign ota ON ota.offerID = o.offerID LEFT JOIN Tags t ON t.tagID = ota.tagID LEFT JOIN OfferPromoTypeAssign opta ON opta.offerID = o.offerID WHERE o.beginDatetimeNOW() AND ((o.label LIKE 'porady' OR o.label LIKE 'porady %' OR o.label LIKE '% porady %' OR o.label LIKE '% porady') OR (t.tag LIKE 'porady' OR t.tag LIKE 'porady %' OR t.tag LIKE '% porady %' OR t.tag LIKE '% porady') OR (o.offeror LIKE 'porady' OR o.offeror LIKE 'porady %' OR o.offeror LIKE '% porady %' OR o.offeror LIKE '% porady')) UNION SELECT o.offerID,1,a.attributeID,' porady' FROM Offers o LEFT JOIN OfferAttr oa ON oa.offerID = o.offerID LEFT JOIN Attributes a ON a.attributeID = oa.attributeID LEFT JOIN AttributeTagAssign ota ON ota.attributeID = a.attributeID LEFT JOIN Tags t ON t.tagID = ota.tagID LEFT JOIN OfferPromoTypeAssign opta ON opta.offerID = o.offerID WHERE o.beginDatetimeNOW() AND ((oa.valueText LIKE 'porady') OR (oa.valueFloat LIKE 'porady') OR (oa.valueDate LIKE 'porady') OR (oa.valueTime LIKE 'porady') OR (oa.valueInt LIKE 'porady'))
Po przepuszczeniu zaś wygląda tak:
SELECT DISTINCT o.offerid AS offerid_or_categoryid, 0 AS searchtype, 'offer' AS attributeid, 'porady' AS word FROM offers o LEFT JOIN offertagassign ota ON ota.offerid = o.offerid LEFT JOIN tags t ON t.tagid = ota.tagid LEFT JOIN offerpromotypeassign opta ON opta.offerid = o.offerid WHERE o.Begindatetimenow() AND ((o.label LIKE 'porady' OR o.label LIKE 'porady %' OR o.label LIKE '% porady %' OR o.label LIKE '% porady') OR (t.tag LIKE 'porady' OR t.tag LIKE 'porady %' OR t.tag LIKE '% porady %' OR t.tag LIKE '% porady') OR (o.offeror LIKE 'porady' OR o.offeror LIKE 'porady %' OR o.offeror LIKE '% porady %' OR o.offeror LIKE '% porady')) UNION SELECT o.offerid, 1, a.attributeid, ' porady' FROM offers o LEFT JOIN offerattr oa ON oa.offerid = o.offerid LEFT JOIN attributes a ON a.attributeid = oa.attributeid LEFT JOIN attributetagassign ota ON ota.attributeid = a.attributeid LEFT JOIN tags t ON t.tagid = ota.tagid LEFT JOIN offerpromotypeassign opta ON opta.offerid = o.offerid WHERE o.Begindatetimenow() AND ((oa.valuetext LIKE 'porady') OR (oa.valuefloat LIKE 'porady') OR (oa.valuedate LIKE 'porady') OR (oa.valuetime LIKE 'porady') OR (oa.valueint LIKE 'porady'))
OdpowiedzUsuńdobre jest to ze zamienia sqlke na stringa ( nie tylko oczywiscie ) ktorego mozna wrzucic odrazu w kod vba
A ja używam SQLReview i też sobie chwalę :)